
Want to Learn More About Becoming A Phi Delt?

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Become the Greatest Version of Yourself

Helping every individual to meet his true potential is the bedrock of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. By celebrating each person’s true self, and by learning from each other’s strengths while helping to improve each other’s weaknesses, every member of Phi Delta Theta develops into a greater version of himself than he could ever on his own. Rather than try to find young men to “mold” into some ideal, we celebrate the uniqueness of each individual and, through encouragement, values, example and brotherhood, empower every brother to exceed his personal expectations.

Phi Delta Theta’s goal is to be the premier fraternal leadership organization in the world. We want those who enjoy leading to join our organization, and we are committed to furthering each member’s leadership potential. Alongside each member are brothers who become an instant family at college; a family that encourages, guides, and supports each other through the ups and downs of life.

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How to Join Phi Delta Theta At Our Campus

Joining Phi Delta Theta at Emporia State University is a straightforward process. First, you must meet the chapter. This can be done in a variety of ways, whether it’s at an official chapter recruitment event, an IFC community event, or on campus, it does not matter. Next, the chapter determines whether or not you meet certain criteria we look for in new members; Academically Sound, Morally Sound, Involved on Campus, Driven, and Philanthropically Driven If the chapter determines that you meet at least three of these five criteria, you are eligible to be extended a “bid” (formal invitation to join). Once a bid has been voted on and extended to you, it is your choice whether or not you choose to join!

New Member Education

Once the decision has been made to say “Yes!,” to Phi Delta Theta, the new member begins to truly get to know the Fraternity and the Fraternity truly gets to know him. The Phikeia experience is filled with positive and encouraging preparation for the responsibilities of membership that reaffirms the principles of Phi Delta Theta. After the Phikiea Education program, if both party's values and expectations are in sync, Phikeias become initiated into full membership – and that's where the real journey of a lifetime begins.